The Storyboard of Life: Or So We Think

The Storyboard of Life: Or So We Think

We all have a story. A large repertoire of experiences that have created the definitions we give to life, people, situations and ourselves; our story board. This is our personal inner weaving of associated ideas, assumptions and attitudes serving to help us understand...
Ho’oponopono- A Way of Forgiveness

Ho’oponopono- A Way of Forgiveness

Having received such encouraging feedback from my last article “Storyboard of Life” I am going to venture sharing some more thoughts and insights about the nature of conflict and approaches that can bridge differences rather than building walls that perpetuate them....
Conflict as Catalyst

Conflict as Catalyst

Have you ever noticed how all the shows and movies we love so much are generally in essence about human conflict, in one form or other, with oneself or another? It’s all about overcoming challenges, rising above adversity, learning forgiveness and how to love. We...
The One Right Way!?

The One Right Way!?

I recently re-read an amazing book that crossed my path several years ago. The title is ISHMAEL, by Daniel Quinn. I had had a memory of really liking it, even though I didn’t finish it, but I couldn’t remember why. Well, it blew me away this time. For those of you who...
Socrates and Hawaiian Wisdom Convene

Socrates and Hawaiian Wisdom Convene

There are some delightful similarities between Socrates and many of the Hawaiian understandings of being human and, ways to be in this world more consciously and harmoniously with ourselves and each other. Socrates lived from 469BC-399BC. He was a pioneer in...
Cosmology: Re-awakening the Sacred

Cosmology: Re-awakening the Sacred

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always experienced this deep connection with nature. At age thirteen I discovered the existence of pagan wisdoms and traditions and I felt so found because they always emphasized the interconnectedness of man/woman with the natural...