Cosmology: Re-awakening the Sacred

Cosmology: Re-awakening the Sacred

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always experienced this deep connection with nature. At age thirteen I discovered the existence of pagan wisdoms and traditions and I felt so found because they always emphasized the interconnectedness of man/woman with the natural...
Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks!

Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks!

For hundreds of years biologists and neurologists concluded that the adult brain was “hard-wired” and that the structure of the brain would never change. The claim was that our brains were only malleable as children. That once we reach maturity the circuitry is then...
I Know, I Already Know…

I Know, I Already Know…

The words we use to think or speak about our experiences hold so much more power than we generally recognize. Quite often without realizing it, the way we express ourselves can keep us stuck or tripping over the same issues/challenges over and over again. Like a well...
Way of the Dinosaur vs. Way of the Buddha

Way of the Dinosaur vs. Way of the Buddha

There is a well known fossil in Mongolia of two dinosaurs locked in mortal combat. A Valocirapto is clawing a Protoceratops that is biting the Valociraptos’ arm. They have been holding this position for approximately 80 million years, and they will remain hardened in...
Call to Humanity

Call to Humanity

I call on all humanity; I call on you, to step into service, to be Ambassadors to the Highest Good that we as human beings can embody. I challenge you to be and give the best of you always. To turn your head on selfish pride and power tripping ego, to embrace the...